Why I founded JudoTraining.cz

…to go to the world for good training and competitions, so that young competitors can learn something, gain insight, courage, self-confidence and improve their skills. But also in order to enjoy it and bring knowledge, experience and also much-needed contacts for the future…

I don’t have the courage to determine who is talented at judo and to what extent. We all have different talents in us and there are many of them. It’s just a matter of whether we ever become aware of them and recognize them, which one to choose in order to achieve our success (and thus also a certain inner satisfaction), or whether someone else will discover them in us and help with their development and perhaps even start the path of fame athletes. The hill can be climbed from several sides and in several ways. Realizing the right one and betting on it is the main task to reach the top. However, that hard-to-define luck will always be needed. The only thing I dare to guess at the beginning is if the athlete really wants the so-called. As a rule, according to his enthusiasm, commitment and, above all, his desire to fight. But even that can be evaluated at least after a certain “trial period.” There is no guarantee that the desire will last long enough.

I also consider a strong will, hard work, perseverance and proper manners to be one of the talents. In sport, I have seen many so-called natural talents for a given discipline defeated by just these four talents, or even just one of them. Talents that no one thought were talents. I also saw a lot of hard workers, not considered natural talents, who invested a considerable part of their life time in their dream, i.e. a big victory, and did not achieve it. And in both mentioned “camps” there were also those who were able to succeed each thanks to their own, even very high, or the very highest. However, all those who persevered eventually learned a lot, gained a lot from judo, and many generously gave it back and are giving it back. A certain life attitude, relationships, experiences and acquired skills are irreplaceable.

Regularity, patient learning and repetition, hardening in different situations and defeats and trying to win again. But also by learning from others at home and in the world and again and again by learning how to gradually work on yourself harder and harder with increasing age and with advancement to higher age categories. It seems that this is the only way to achieve much higher goals than the athlete has the courage to think about at the beginning of his career.

Based on my own experience, especially from the last ten years, I am convinced that for this it is necessary (among other things) to travel for foreign experiences, or import them to us. That is why I founded JudoTraining.cz, a platform open to everyone from everywhere.

Jan (Czermosh) ČERMÁK

Judo coach and founder of brands and portals judotraining.cz a e-judo.cz