Training and Learning Camp 2nd Tour – U18 (born 2008) +U16 (born 2009-2010) + U14 (individual consultation) Japan Jun 16th – 26th 2024


Term 16. – 26.06. 2024
Booking deadline SOLD OUT
Location Tokyo, Japonsko
Capacity 10 – 17 participants
Suitable for  U16 (U14 individually)


Out of stock

SKU: 1000-3-5 Categories: , ,

Description is a registered commercial judo product brand managed by JDC Organizer s.r.o. We do business in this industry in a professional manner on the basis of legislation with proper accounting, appropriate guarantees and always on the basis of a proper commercial and registered contract.

  • Training and learning camp in Tokyo, at KODOKAN JUDO INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL
  •  Focused on teaching and practicing techniques and randori in the place where our sport has its roots and deepest tradition.
  • Stay with involvement in regular training practice there.
  • Intended for young judokas U18 (born 2008) + U16, born (2009 and 2010) +  (U14 can participate after individual consultation)
  • Compared to U18 (born 2007) to U23, this camp is a shorter stay, without transit between Tokyo and Osaka
  • If the Kódokan hostel is occupied, accommodation in nearby hostels, hotels and guesthouses.

The camp it is not intended for beginners, but for intermediate and more advanced players in the U16 category, or for very advanced judokas in the U14 category.  It is designed for children who have already practiced judo in the U12 and U14 categories, have a good basic technical level and are adequately prepared physically, accustomed to regular training and corresponding effort. The price includes: flight ticket, accommodation, public transport in Tokyo for trainings if they are outside the Kódokan (other transport is at your own expense), Only in the case of request: Membership fees, if they are mandatory to enter the trainings, are invoiced separately in the case of the request of host club.The price does not include: food, which is at your own expense and, above all, according to your own choice. There are plenty of traditional Japanese bistros, restaurants and shops to buy groceries in the places of stay. Children can handle it without any problems and they will always have assistance available. Notice: “In the event that the price has to be adjusted due to a significant increase in air ticket prices, or based on changes in the host’s requirements, you will be informed before confirming the reservation and payment. Your reservation is only binding after payment of the advance invoice.”

Judo training is fixed. Others may change according to the situation and needs of the children, fatigue, etc.

Regarding the program between morning warm-up and afternoon training: “We follow the current situation. If the children are tired, they have somewhere to rest during the day. If there is energy and appetite, we go to the city where we have lunch and return as needed to rest before training. Sunday before departure it’s all day off.”

Sunday 16.06. 2024: Departure from Prague via a transit airport in Europe to Tokyo.

Monday 17.06. 2024: Arrival in Tokyo, public transport to the city, accommodation, dinner, sightseeing, rest

Tuesday 18.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:15, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Wednesday 19.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:15, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Thursday 20.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:15, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Friday 21.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:15, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Saturday 22.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:30, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Sunday 23.06. 2024: Full day off in Tokyo. A trip to the city together.

Monday 24.06. 2024: fitness and movement training 07:30 – 08:15, Lunch 12:00 – 13:00, free time for shopping, sightseeing, etc. Teaching and randori 17:00 – 19:00

Tuesday 25.06. 2024: departure from Tokyo via a transit airport in Europe to Prague

Wednesday 26.06.2024: arrival to Prague

From Václav Havel Airport in Prague to one of the connecting European airports and then to Tokyo and similarly back to Prague.

Accommodation is planned at the Kódokan Institute, if there is no capacity, in one of the hotels, guesthouses or apartments in the vicinity. It is always possible to use a washing machine for a small fee and there is somewhere to dry clothes, especially kimonos.

Food – there are plenty of opportunities to eat around our stay in Tokyo. The all-day bistros and shops there provide quite a wide range. Even in Tokyo’s Kódokan, there is a bistro right in the institute. It is a common way of eating for all judokas who come to train there and is very popular. U16 kids can handle it without any problems.

By registering on this site. Booking for this event is done in two steps:

1. By preliminary registration

2. By final registration conditional on payment to the supplier’s account after prompting the customer.

Everything is governed by the general terms and conditions of JDC Organizer s.r.o.

1. By registering for the event and paying the prize, the participant or his/her legal representative declares that he/she is able to practice the sport of judo and the related physical and mental training in the amount corresponding to the competitive sport.

2. Insurance abroad, including Japan, for high-risk sports and we recommend that you secure it explicitly in the conditions or judo contract.

3. Valid passport. We travel to Japan without a visa requirement, but it is advisable that the validity of the passport exceeds at least 2 months beyond the end date of our planned stay.

Participants will receive other instructions individually in time before departure.

All relations with JDC Organizer s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the supplier and at the same time the administrator of the trademark) is governed by the General Business and Delivery Terms and Conditions issued by the supplier. HERE: is a registered commercial judo product brand managed by JDC Organizer s.r.o. We do business in this industry in a professional manner on the basis of legislation with proper accounting, appropriate guarantees and always on the basis of a proper commercial and registered contract.

Privacy Policy

This is information about the processing of personal data of customers and employees of JDC Organizer s.r.o. in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU (hereinafter also referred to as GDPR). This document describes and explains how the personal data of all employees, collaborators, customers and participants of all events on any contractual basis organized by JDC Organizer, Company ID: 08339864, registered office: Vyšehradská 1349/2, 120 00, Prague 2 – Nové Město, is processed .

  1. We process personal data for the purpose of obtaining data for the purpose of concluding an employment relationship in all its forms permitted by applicable laws, as well as for the purpose of concluding business contracts, registering orders, issuing and receiving invoices, registering participants in events organized by us and for other possible reasons, when this is also required by legislation . The data can be used to register participation or membership in the management of other organizations to ensure participation and starts in various events and competitions, such as the Czech Judo Association or another similar organization.
  2. For the reasons stated above and possibly further, we process the following personal data: First name, surname, date of birth, social security number, residential address, telephone contact, e-mail, and, if necessary, a photo ID. For minors with the permission of the legal representative, we process the following personal data: first and last name of the minor, first and last name of one of the parents (legal representative), date of birth, social security number, residential address, telephone contact, email address of the minor and legal representative, ID photo if necessary. Alternatively, additional personal data in the form of photos, recordings and video recordings from organized events, to which consent is given by an adult and a legal representative representing a minor by accepting this GDPR document.
  3. The period of personal data management is governed both by the period resulting from the legislation of the Czech Republic and also by the rule that it is always only for the period absolutely necessary.
  4. Your personal data under the rules determined by law and also in accordance with this document are managed by the company: JDC Organizer, Company ID: 08339864, registered office: Vyšehradská 1349/2, 120 00, Prague 2 – Nové Město. The registration and management of personal data is ensured by the company’s executive, Jan Daniel Čermák, tel. +420 606 512 374, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as the administrator). Contact this person for all matters related to the GDPR and your personal data in the management of our company.
  5. By law, you have the right to information on the scope of personal data that is in our management, on the scope of its use, or to whom it was, is or will be provided within the framework of work, business, or any other relationship necessary to secure employment, contracts, participation, etc. You can request a limitation of the scope of managed data, the extent of its provision to third parties. You can raise concerns that data is not being handled in accordance with the GDPR and file a complaint with the relevant authority. You are entitled to request the release of all your personal data in our administration managed in the form of a machine-readable or text file, photo in non-digital form.
  6. Complete information about the GDPR and all related laws governing it can be found at:
  7. Only the necessary number of people have access to your personal data in our administration. On the one hand, those who are included in this document, such as the employer, suppliers, e.g. in connection with accommodation, purchase of tickets, processing of visas, registration for events and competitions, state administration, etc. Furthermore, the external accounting firm of our company, which processes accounting and contractual documents containing your personal data. By law, we are obliged to make your personal data available as part of checks by state administration authorities.
  8. The company JDC Organizer s.r.o. runs its activities (among other things) also with the help of the and Finance v plus brands, which are its marketing tools, they are not legal entities and all corporate legislation is exclusively represented by JDC Organizer s.r.o. In Prague, July 20, 2019

Jan Daniel ČERMÁK, CEO

Effective April 29, 2023, all covid measures on arrival in Japan are lifted. Passengers therefore no longer need to present the previously required documents (Covid vaccination certificates or confirmation of a negative PCR test), nor do they need to fill out the Fast Track application on the Visit Japan website.

Passengers showing symptoms of Covid may be tested for Covid upon arrival in Japan.

!!! Please check the conditions of entry to Japan for your country !!!

After the end of the applications (after the capacity has been filled, or at the latest after the expiry of the published deadline – depending on which situation occurs first):

an advance payment of CZK 30,000 Until 15/05/2024 (with the issuance of a supplementary proforma invoice as of 08/05/2024):

Surcharge of CZK 12,600 (may be increased by an amount due to an increase in the price of air tickets and accommodation, which will be announced in advance)

After crediting the additional payment to our account, you will immediately receive the final invoice – tax document.