Information to participate

For everyone: “From the moment a certain performance level is reached, the training and overall preparation of a judoka should be a purposefully and systematically organized process, even more so than before. Such a process costs time and is inevitably related to the financial and material resources expended. That is why it is for the sake of comprehensive effectiveness, it is absolutely crucial that athletes who are dedicated to our sport and want to pursue their goal, i.e. medals from higher competitions, train correctly not only under quality guidance, but also with quality and diverse sparring.”

For competitors: “You can train a lot in your country in your club and outside your own dojo, and you need to take advantage of it. First, measure your strength at home. However, from a certain point on, this territory will become small and the only option is to go abroad. This part of the mentioned you can leave the organized process in the hands of and then your task will be to pack your bag with your kimono and go with us for your training, which will give you something new and move you forward. We want to assume that these steps will be in line with the attitude of personal coach, because he is the one who led you at least to the point that you are able to complete some of our demanding camps.

For coaches: “All cooperation is based on an agreement between us and the competitor (if necessary with the consent of the legal representative) + between the competitor and his personal trainer. The latter has the opportunity to receive from us the program of the event and to recommend the route to his clients, with the understanding that they can always request support from us regarding the course of their training and preparation for the selected event. Ultimately, the decision-makers about participation are the program participants and their legal representatives already mentioned.”

For parents: “Since 2013, we have gathered enough experience to organize events focused on judo in the Czech Republic, but mainly abroad. It is only thanks to this that there is a comprehensive offer in the form of We have transported several young judokas there and back in different age categories. It won’t be any different even if your competitor comes with us. We recommend that you work with personal trainers to participate in our events. We believe that your competitors will support, because their client will benefit the most from everything and at the same time and the club.



Trainings within camps and internships are aimed at the technical and tactical development of young judokas
