About training

My oppinion is that be coach is craft and whoever learns it wrong will make others pay for it

It is always said that a coach is needed to sufficiently excite and motivate the athlete. Textbooks and manuals for coaching schools and courses are full of it. That is of course true. Among other things, there is also a coach from that. But above all, I expect from athletes that they will also motivate me with their attitude, so that I have a reason to train them and that I enjoy it. This is called “Jita Kyoei” in judo and in English it means mutual benefit. If the enthusiasm and effort of the coach is not on the other side the enthusiasm and effort of the athlete (which is also true the other way around), then it will not work. It has to be worth it to the athlete himself, as well as to me. We all need motivation. I think that’s fair and it’s the way to the medals in the final. And I train so that the athletes I influence have a chance to win medals.


Jan (Czermosh) ČERMÁK

Judo trainer and founder of brands and portals judotraining.cz a e-judo.cz